Thursday, January 15, 2009

What follows is my letter and affidavit to the Director of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces regarding a clear case of perjury perpetrated by ABSA and in which Ross and Jacobs gleefully participated. I say, “gleefully”, because the mentioned attorneys obviously charged ABSA big bucks for the perjurious material that they had prepared for ABSA to sign.

Incidentally, the ABSA and Ross and Jacobs monkey business were reported in Noseweek and it was read by the Director of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces. But it did not bother him at all.

But even when I lodged the formal complaint with the Law Society of the Northern Provinces he did not (true to character) take action, which is hardly surprising, given the fact that Ross and Jacobs had representation on the council of the law society.

And the mischief was therefore blessed by the Law Society.

Now how cosy is that?

And here is the revealing link.